How to Support Nonprofits Like Norte

Nonprofit organizations like Norte rely on the generosity of individual donors, small businesses, and several community foundations. While financial support is critical, there are many ways to support nonprofits that go beyond donations. Give something just as valuable – your time!

Four Ways to Help Nonprofits (Beyond Donating)

Make a difference in your community by lending your expertise, enthusiasm, and time to charitable organizations you care about. In Traverse City, nonprofits like Norte depend on volunteers, board members, and community involvement to reach the communities we serve.

1. Volunteer

Norte depends on volunteers to power our community outreach events and programs. From Community Slow Rolls to Bike Valets, volunteers amplify our reach and help us build stronger connections across the region.

Volunteers are in greater demand than ever. Formal volunteering declined 7% during the pandemic, the fastest decline recorded in two decades. The pandemic accelerated a long-term trend of lower volunteer participation rates across the US, fueled partly by the need for many adults to work multiple jobs.

There is nothing as valuable as your time. Learn how to become a Norte volunteer.

2. Attend Events

Norte's commitment goes beyond bikes. One of our founding goals is to build and strengthen the community through inclusive events like our Community Slow Rolls and Balance Bike Races. These events are often free to attend and help neighbors make lasting connections. Simply showing up is an excellent way to add value to other guests' experiences and the Business Champions who sponsor these gatherings.

Check out our calendar for the next can't-miss events!

3. Join the Board

Supporting nonprofits with expertise and leadership is immensely valuable. Our volunteer Board of Directors provides the big-picture strategic thinking that has allowed Norte to navigate financial challenges, a global pandemic, and become a community institution in just a decade. Nonprofits rely on board leadership to grow and stay true to the core mission.

Learn more about our board and staff.

4. Provide Services Pro Bono

Small business owners and entrepreneurs may not have the financial security to write a big check, but that doesn't mean they can't get involved. From carpentry to accounting, charitable organizations share the same needs and challenges as any small business and operate with fewer resources. Find a group that aligns with your priorities and get in touch; your favorite nonprofit might need graphic design help, have a leaky faucet, or a batch of homemade cookies for an upcoming event.

Get in touch to learn how you can help!

It Takes a Village to Get Kids on Bikes

Norte Youth Cycling has enjoyed the passionate support of hundreds of volunteers, business professionals, and community supporters over the years, and we're not alone. All nonprofits depend on community involvement, so find an organization you care about and make time to volunteer or lend a hand – it makes all the difference!


How to Lock Your Bike: The Basics


Joining a Nonprofit Board of Directors: What to Know, What to Ask